Important message from Mizan about Covid-19

Important message from Mizan about Covid-19

During this difficult time of the covid -19 pandemic we wish you all stay safe and healthy.

We realize that with the requirement of social distancing as established by authorities, We hope that these changes will foster new opportunities to strengthen and enrich our Islamic spirit.

During this difficult time, the need for your generous donations have increased as families struggle with the pandemic due to loss of jobs and difficulty in accessing resources. During this time, we count on your ongoing support and commitment  as we aim to continue serving the less fortunate in our community.

MIZAN provides a number of special vouchers for food baskets to Muslim families in need of Zakat support every year. Please help us with your donations.

May Allah accept your generosity and all your acts of worship.

Donate Zakat Today!


Zakat is the tool, in particular, that helps refine and polish the human soul through a delicate taming of the desire to have more. Zakat is a religious obligation for helping the poor, responding to the needy and supporting and protecting common interests upon which the well-being of the community and the nation depends.